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Charity and Giving

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Official Charity Partner

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We know how lucky we are here at Coco’s Puppy Boutique to have a safe place to live and to be able to take care of our forever puppies if they ever need our help, so when we decided to set up our business, it was essential to us that we supported a charity which we felt reflected the love we feel for our dogs. 


Whenever we take Coco for walks, she’s a popular little lady! But we did find this especially the case in towns and cities amongst the homeless community where they love to have a cuddle and a play with her.  We also noticed that many people who appeared to be in need on the streets had their very own four legged best friends too.  


For these reasons, we are delighted to support StreetVet, a charity we came across whilst researching the things that were important to us and represented exactly what we wanted to champion.


The focus of the charity is for volunteer vets and veterinary nurses to provide veterinary services to those in need, primarily those who would struggle to access veterinary care through other providers due to lack of mobility, finances or trust. Currently operating in 18 towns, cities and regions around the UK, and have exceeded over 3,500 free consultations for pets and people with ‘no fixed abode’.


Established in 2016, StreetVet aims to:


Provide free accessible vet care to animals belonging to the homeless community.

Provide a volunteer platform for the Veterinary profession.

Foster, support and protect the human animal bond in its most profound form.

Partner with homeless shelters, night shelters and hostels to educate staff on dog-handling, provide pet equipment and advice in order to encourage more of these facilities to open their doors to members of the homeless community who own an animal, who would otherwise be turned away.

Provide emergency kennelling for animals belonging to members of the homeless community if they are admitted to hospital.

For every order you place, Coco’s Puppy Boutique will give a donation to StreetVet to support the fantastic work they’re doing, so together we can hopefully make a difference to not only our best friends lives, but also to the best friends of those most in need.  If you would like to donate separately in addition to our donation, please click the link below.


And thank you so much – we truly are grateful.

StreetVet registered charity number 1181527 (England & Wales)

About us

Founded in 2020 by a small team of people who passionately believed they could offer a unique experience to customers and their four legged ‘forever puppies’.  Bringing the best products and a passion for service, we hope you enjoy the site and products as much as we love to find and deliver them to you – Welcome! From Team Coco


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Copyright Coco's Puppy Boutique Limited 2024

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